2011年 |
1.原著論文 1. Atsuko Hachiya, Eiichi N. Kodama, Matthew M. Schuckmann, Karen A. Kirby, EleftheriosMichailidis, Yasuko Sakagami, Shinichi Oka, Kamalendra Singh, Stefan G. Sarafianos. K70Q addshigh-level tenofovir resistance to “Q151M complex” HIV reverse transcriptase through theenhanced discrimination mechanism.PLoS One6:e16242, 2011 2. Karen A. Kirby, Kamalendra Singh, Eleftherios Michailidis, Bruno Marchand, Eiichi N. Kodama,Noriyuki Ashida, Hiroaki Mitsuya, Michael A. Parniak, Stefan G. Sarafianos. The sugar ringconformation of 4'-ethynyl-2-fluoro- 2’-deoxyadenosine and its recognition by the polymeraseactive site of HIV reverse transcriptase.Cellular and Molecular Biology57:39-44, 2011 3. Shenwei Li, Toshio Hattori, Eiichi N Kodama. Epigallocatechin gallate inhibits HIV reversetranscription step.Antiviral Chemistry and Chemotherapy21:239-243, 2011 4. Kazuki Izumi, Kentaro Watanabe, Shinya Oishi, Nobutaka Fujii, Masao Matsuoka, Stefan G.Sarafianos and Eiichi N. Kodama. Potent anti-HIV-1 activity of N-HR-derived peptides including adeep pocket-forming region without antagonistic effect on T-20.Antiviral Chemistry andChemotherapy22:51-55, 2011 2.総説 3.学会発表 1. Atsuko Hachiya, Matthew M. Schuckmann, D Griffin, Karen A. Kirby, YT Ong Junko Tanuma,Shinichi Oka, Kamlendra Singh, Eiichi N. Kodama, Stefan G. Sarafianos. HIV-1 ReverseTranscriptase Polymorphism 172K Suppresses the Effect of Clinical Resistance Mutations to bothNRTI and NNRTI. 18th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, Boston, MA Feb 27-Mar 2, 2011 2. Atsuko Hachiya, Bruno Marchand, Karen A. Kirby, Eleftherios Michailidis, Xiongying Tu, YeeTsuey Ong, Daniel T. Griffin, Matthew M. Schuckmann, Junko Tanuma, Shinichi Oka, KamalendraSingh, Eiichi N. Kodama and Stefan G. Sarafianos. HIV-1 Reverse Transcriptase (RT) Polymorphism172K Suppresses the Effect of Clinically Relevant Drug Resistance Mutations to Both Nucleoside andNonnucleoside RT Inhibitors. 12th Annual Symposium on Antiviral Drug Resistance, Hershey,Pennsylvania, Nov 6-9, 2011 3. Eleftherios Michailidis, Stephen H. Hughes, Emily M. Ryan , Atsuko Hachiya , Devendra Rai,Jordan Wilkins, Kamlendra Singh, Bruno Marchand, Mark Hannink, B. Christie Vu, Victor Marquez, Ei-Ichi Kodama, Hiroaki Mitsuya, Michael A. Parniak, and Stefan G. Sarafianos. Effect of 4’- and 2-NRTI Substitutions on the Inhibition Mechanism of HIV Reverse Transcriptase. 12th AnnualSymposium on Antiviral Drug Resistance, Hershey, Pennsylvania, Nov 6-9, 2011 |